Creating an online course is one of the most challenging ventures you’ll face with your blog. It’s a large project that takes a lot of planning and will add dozens of new tasks to your workload. With that said, it’s also one of the most rewarding ventures you’ll face. It offers a way for you […]
Wordpress Tools
Optimizing Images for SEO
How to Optimize Your Images for SEO Creating SEO friendly images is simple to do, yet many website owners neglect this valuable source of search engine traffic. To make it even more simple, WordPress has some great tools built in to help you optimize your images, and you use the All-in-One SEO Pack to maximize […]
HOW S.E.O. Works!
HOW S.E.O. Works!
14 excellent tools for WordPress development and site maintenance
WHAT’S IN YOUR TOOLKIT? Building and maintaining WordPress websites is a complex undertaking involving many tasks. How fast and well you can perform them has a direct impact on how many clients and projects you can take on, and consequently, your bottom line. Like other craftsmen, WordPress professionals are only as good as their toolset. […]